June 25, 2024

GIVEAWAY: The Christian Capitalist and $500!!!

Overview: The Christian Capitalist explores various scriptural references that support twin pillars of Christian belief: 1) working hard to make a productive benefit from talents and materials that God has provided all people; and 2) giving generously to share those benefits with our neighbors in the name of Jesus Christ. Through a discussion of Holy Scripture, it analyzes various passages that relate to these concepts of productivity and generosity, along with two thousand years of history discussing the good works of Christians as examples. Ultimately, this book develops a philosophy that is uniquely Christian and capitalist: the Gospel of Hard Work and Generous Giving!

I have been a big fan of Christian Finance movements in the past. You can't out-give God, and the 7 baby steps to financial freedom, and others of the sort. I do believe that all that we have was given by God, so who are we to be stingy with what's been given to us. This book was interesting as it placed value on working hard and being productive and being responsible, but also being generous. You can't just sit back and chill and hope that boatload of cash will drop in your lap. God gave everyone talents and abilities, and they should be used. In using them, you earn income, and that income can be used to bless others. So it's along the lines of God helps those who help themselves, but it's more like God gave you talents and abilities, so use them for his glory, and to bless others with your profits. It's a well-written book!



Now for the exciting part....Momentum has allowed me to host a 2 part Giveaway. The first is for a copy of this book. One winner will be selected from each participating blos. The second is that 1 winner will be selected from ALL participating blogs and that person can pick an organization they want $500 donated to, and they'll do it! That's AWESOME!!! Be sure to enter for both down below.

GIVEAWAY# 1: A copy of this book and...

GIVEAWAY #2: $500 TO THE WINNER'S CHOICE OF CHRISTIAN US-BASED MINISTRY/ORGANIZATION (We’re pooling all giveaway winners across all participating bloggers)


Leave a comment down below with what organization you would donate to if you won, and leave a way for me to contact you (IG handle, email etc)

Hashtags: #ChristianCapitalistMIN #MomentumInfluencerNetwork

Many thanks to GoodWorks Mission, LLC for providing a sample of the product for this review. Opinions are 100% my own.

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