January 30, 2025

NEW CSB Jesus Daily Bible

 The NEW CSB Jesus Daily Bible includes a 52-week, Christ-focused, guided reading plan that you can join at any point during the year.

Day by day, you'll thematically study Scripture through a weekly introduction, helpful articles and infographics, and a weekly summary to help you understand Jesus’s central role from Genesis to Revelation.

I'll admit I haven't been great about reading my Bible consistently, or at all, outside of church or studies, so I thought something like this would be helpful. While it is, it's still a lot to read every day. Perhaps I need a read the Bible in 2 years Bible. Now, there's a product idea for busy parents out there :-).

Learn more at CSBJesusDailyBible.com

Purchase HERE

Many thanks to Lifeway Christian Resources for providing a sample of the product for this review. Opinions are 100% my own.

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