May 21, 2012


I don't know about you, but I've often struggled with skin issues, especially acne and excess oils on my skin. Ever since I was in elementary school I was told I have acidic skin that discolors things, and even ate through several layers of my flute, so I have to be careful that the products I use don't add to my skin problems, but help to reduce them.

As I age and near my 30's, I am more careful about sun exposure and keeping my skin moisturized even in the warm humid months. There are definitely products out there that help with skin problems and I just learned of one by Tanda. It zaps acne using blue light technology, which is really interesting, if you ask me.

Acne Light Treatment
Via: Tanda Skincare

...brought to you by your friends at Tanda


  1. skin cancer is very scary.. i like this post!

  2. i used to have breakouts often, but these past few months it wasn't as bad as before.

    we really have to take care of our skin before it's too late :)


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