May 01, 2012

Love The Moment - Virginia Beach

Most of you know how much I LOVE to travel. Since my husband and I got married 4 years ago we've been blessed with the opportunity to travel to Jamaica, Mexico, Punta Cana and Europe as well as many closer to home trips such as Cape May NJ, Richmind VA, Annapolis MD, Bethany Beach DE and many more. I love exotic trips, but sometimes it's nice to be able to drive somewhere for a weekend or week without worrying about flights, going through security and the waiting in long lines. This is one reason why I think Virginia Beach is a perfect getaway for people in the PA/DE/NJ/MD locations. It's about a 3-8 hour drive depending on where you come from, according to my estimation.

I know many people are NJ beach goers, but why not try somewhere new this summer like Virginia Beach? If you are unaware of all that it has to offer here are just a few of its attractions:

For kids, there is the Ocean Breeze WaterPark where they can go down water slides and cool off while having a blast. In case you don't have perfect weather there is the Virginia Aquarium. As a kid I always enjoyed going to aquariums to stare down the sharks in the shark tank (they always won). For those who love competition there are mini golf courses where you can challenge your siblings (or parents) to a game.  If none of these entice you, how about some pier fishing, surfing lessons or bicycle rentals? There's a plethora of things to do, not to mention just going to the beach.

For teens who are looking for a bit of independence there is the VB wave trolley that will take them to the beach, shops and other locations so they don't have to spend the entire trip trailing behind their parents, and of course there is always the beach to work on the "perfect tan." When my sister and I were younger this is all we wanted out of our summer vacation, and now I know better than to let my skin get 'cooked,' but I have to admit tans do make people look healthier, so I can see the appeal. And no beach experience would be complete without a boardwalk. Teens can enjoy the boardwalk when the beach has lost its appeal or when they need a break from the heat.

As you can see Virginia Beach is a great location for the Eastern states (all states really) because it's a drive away and offers a wide range of activities for people of all ages. Personally I would do some of it all - beaching, shopping and touring with a little mini golf mixed in, and of course eating plenty of delicious food while there. With so many ways to Love the Moment at Virginia beach, why not book a trip down for yourself to see what it's all about?
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I wrote this blog post while participating in the SocialMoms and Virginia Beach blogging program. For more information on how you can participate, click here:

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