May 14, 2012
It's the place to go for Alabama apparel and specifically University of Alabama shirts. If you are a resident of Alabama, a college student, or just a fan of UA, then this is the place to go for your apparel needs!
I love fashion, but so often it seems that fashion and college apparel don't go hand in hand, so I'm always looking for stores that sell trendy college apparel. When I went to college we all had a gray sweatshirt with a press on of "Messiah College." They were EVERYWHERE! I realize that the college colors were gray and blue, but come on - be creative. Almost all students went to lunch with gray sweat pants and this hoodie. You couldn't tell people apart from a far, as they all looked the same. I was so ecstatic when my sister bought me a hoodie from her college and it was HOT PINK! Finally, some color :)
I dont think you need to sacrifice fashion when you want to be comfortable and represent your school or state!
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there are many colleges that sell fashionable clothing- great post!