April 13, 2012

Pipsicle Postcards

In 2011, there were 6 billion photos hosted on flicker, 14 million instagram accounts created, and more than 100 billion photos on Facebook. We take A LOT of pictures of everything; baby’s first steps to that cool single flower in a broken wine bottle and so much more. Getting those pictures off the internets and our phones and into the hands of the ones we love is now easier than ever with picsicle postcards.

Through this easy to use iPhone application, you can send a printed postcard of any photo from Facebook, instagram, picasa, or just your phone’s image library. Customize those photos
with cool backgrounds, funny effects like thought bubbles, or even sticker graphics then send it off to those you love. You can even add a message and a picture of you! Picsicle will deliver your 4x6 postcard anywhere in the world
for $1.99

Picsicle postcards make the perfect gift any time of year, but especially on Mother’s day. Whether or you live near or far, a picture of you is worth a thousand words and far more valuable than flowers or a sweater

I think this is such a neat concept, if only I had an iphone. Maybe some day. . .

1 comment:

  1. Wow,what a neat ideal,,,this would be great to send to family far away ,,,


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