April 15, 2012

Philips Pacifiers

Soothie Pacifiers:
      • Specially designed to ensure natural development of teeth and gums.
      • This product contains 0% BPA
      • Dishwasher safe
        • Hospital Grade Silicone so very durable

Advanced Orthodontic Pacifiers:

Advanced orthodontic teat with unique wings that minimizes pressure on gums and developing teeth. The wings make the teat wider so that the pressure that is caused by baby's suckling is distributed more evenly resulting in less pressure per tooth.
      • Snap on hygienic cap
      • Can be sterilized
      • Dishwasher Safe


Most babies have a strong sucking reflex to start with. Some babies even suck their thumbs or fingers before they're born (which I was one of). Beyond nutrition, sucking often has a soothing, calming effect. That's why many parents rank pacifiers as must haves, right up there with diaper wipes and baby swings, and I tend to agree. I think that pacifiers are a life saver! When your baby dont want to be held or changed, and don't want to eat these certainly come in handy when trying to get a fussy baby to calm down. Some people argue that they aren't good for the baby's developing teeth, which is why I'm glad Philips came out with an orthodontic pacifier to lessen this concern.

While our adoption fell through and I didn't have a chance to try these out on our baby, I know that these work from spending time with friends and their children.

1 comment:

  1. those are so neat,,ive got 2 new grandbabies on the way so this would come in handy,,gotta go check it out,thanks


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