April 17, 2012

A New Grass Seed - Sta-Green with Nitro-Fuze

Have you heard of this new brand of grass seed (yes, grass seed) that is designed to make fixing your yard as easy and convenient as possible? The brand is called Sta-Green with Nitro-Fuze. It's a grass seed that is coated with nitrogen so that homeowners don't have to buy a separate starter fertilizer. Plus, the coating holds water so you don't have to water it as often to get it growing.

We decided to use this to fill in the bare spots in our front yard and around our sidewalk. We planted it a few weeks ago and then watered it every couple of days, but sadly it did not come up for us, but I would say this was user error. We planted the seed when it was a warm 70 degree day, and then it dropped back down into the 40s and we were not outside as much to remember to water it, so our daily watering went down to once a week watering, if that, and eventually we gave up on it. I do think that the concept is terrific - fertilizer and seed in one!

Easy to Use
1. By eliminating the need for starter fertilizer, homeowners save money by not having to buy starter fertilizer and time by not having to apply it.
2. The super-absorbent Nitro-Fuzepolymer coating allows for successful lawn establishment, even with erratic watering practices.
3. The nitrogen-infused seeds are easy to see when applied.
4. Sta-Green with Nitro-Fuzeis easily applied through standard spreaders that are readily available to the consumer.

Better for the Environment
1. Sta-Green with Nitro-Fuzeis safer for planting near lakes and waterways since only the amount of nutrients required by the seed is present.
2. The correct amount of nitrogen is fused to the seed, resulting in less fertilizer leeching and fewer negative environmental impacts.

A Strong, Healthy Lawn
1. The nutrients that Nitro-Fuzeprovides promote thicker root masses, resulting in healthier lawns with fewer weeds and less disease.
2. Unlike other seed coatings, Nitro-Fuzeis scientifically proven to not slow down seed germination and emergence. 

For more information visit: http://www.nitrofuze.com/


  1. no,I have never heard of this before,thanks for sharing,makes perfect sense to use this

  2. I planted scott's three times.. nada. Planted this Sta Green and in a week, i had growth. Seven weeks later people are driving buy and stopping to tell me how great it looks. Deep green and weed free.

  3. Sta-Green and NO grass after 6 weeks don't purchase this its a waiste of money and time


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