I am over a third through this book, and sadly I just don't care to finish it. I have only done this with a handful of other books in my reading past, and it always makes me sad to do. I always want to give the book the benefit of the doubt, which I did when I hit 15% and wanted to stop, but at 40% I'm still unconvinced.
The book starts with the lives of 4 women and one man, and they all end up on a boat together and NOTHING HAPPENS!!! They just get sea sick, play cards, gossip and whine about how much they miss their husbands, who they are traveling to see. The rich one complains that the conditions are deplorable and "beneath her", while the pregnant one just wants to be with the guys b/c she misses her brothers. While I enjoyed Maggie's character, or what seemed to be developing of it, but it was just progressing too slowly. I've loved the other book by this author that I have read (Me before you), but I am calling it quits on this one. The ending may be good, but if I can't enjoy the first half of the book, it's not worth my time.
what a nice book,,would love to readthis