May 14, 2013

Gardener's Supply

Spring has sprung and what a great time to get down and dirty with Mother Earth.  Every year, we aim to add a new element to our outdoor living area, and this year we decided to focus on lighting.  Gardeners was gracious enough to send us several products for review, including dual solar spotlights and a solar shed light.  Instead of spending time wiring and dealing with electrical stuff (which we are totally clueless about), we decided to entertain the idea of solar lighting.  Keep in mind, one of the draw backs to solar-powered lights is that they are noticeably dimmer than your average wired spotlights.  The solar lights were easy to install and within minutes, we were all set up.  As noted in the instructions, it is important that you place the solar panel in direct sunlight.  We were sure to place our panel in the front of the house with full sunlight.  The panel is able to store enough energy to keep the lights on throughout the night.  I can testify to this, because I got up at 4:00 AM to check for myself.  They were going strong!  The dual solar spotlights (Item #38-622) are not as bright as I hoped, but they are aesthetically appealing.  As previously stated, this is one of the cons of solar lights, but Gardeners does sell a brighter model that I probably would have preferred. 
In addition, I had the chance to review the Flexzilla hose and the outlet faucet adaptor.  The adaptor is definitely something I should have purchased a long time ago.  I am able to connect two hoses to one outdoor faucet.  Gone are the days of lugging my hose back and forth from the front yard to the back yard.  This is worth it!  I was not as impressed with the Flexzilla hose.  It is lightweight, as described, but I had major issues with kinking and storing it back on the hose stand.  The hose does kink.  When trying to place it on the hose stand, it tends to curl up and is not very versatile.  I was satisfied with all of my review products, except for the hose.  In my opinion, this hose is not worth the money. 

As always, Gardeners shipped my products quickly and they did a great job with packaging.  I have worked with them in the past and would highly recommend their site for all of your outdoor/gardening needs.  They are always running specials and offer a broad array of products to choose from.  

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