Glitter Nail Polish Removal Made Simple!
Originally Found here:

1) You will need 10 cotton pads or balls, Nail Polish remover, 10 Strips of Aluminum Foil cut into 2" x6" strips.

2) Take the cotton pad and generously soak it in nail polish remover. Place the pad on top of your nail.

3) Take one aluminum foil strip and put one end over the cotton pad. Then wrap it around your finger completely.

4) Crimp the edge at the tip of your finger so that no air can get in and dry out the pad.

5) Repeat process for the rest of your fingers on ONE hand.

6) Wait 3 minutes or longer if you wish. Then with a twisting motion, take the foil/pad combination off your finger...concentrating on twisting on the nail where the polish is.

7) Viola! Clean nail. No scratches. No Glitter! Repeat for other hand.
Its' easier to use do one hand at a time as 2 hands full of foils is a bit awkward. Some glitter polishes may take more time to remove. The aluminum foil acts as a barrier to the surrounding air and allows the cotton pad soaked in nail polish remover to remain wet rather than evaporate before it can remove the polish.
So what do you think? Easy? Neat?
Mr. Sith looked at me the first time I tried this and shook his head. I asked him if he wanted to know what I was doing. He rolled his eyes and said "No." so I didn't bother. It's nice to have some mystery in the romance.
This is what i will tell my Daughter and Grandaughter. Thanks alot. sounds alot easier. I wish you luck on your adoption but since i am disabled and my Husband has not worked in three years i wish i could help you really i do maybe i can soon send a little something because there is nothing like a child. I just had my first Great Grand child a year ago. Bless you and your husband.