June 07, 2010

Sight & Sound's "Joseph"

Sight & Sound Theatre, currently located in Lancaster PA & Branson Missouri, began as an organization nearly thirty years ago, and is a place where the Bible comes to Life.

The name "Sight & Sound" was inspired by the teaching of Jesus found in Matthew 13:10-23 where Jesus explains to the disciples why he spoke to the people in parables or stories. Sight & Sound’s purpose is to present the Gospel of Jesus Christ by visualizing and dramatizing the
scriptures, through inspirational productions, encouraging others and seeking always to be dedicated and wise stewards of God-given talents and resources. While it is a ministry, the company is not affiliated with any external organization or any particular church denomination. It is a for-profit organization and operates without charitable support.

Premiering March 6th - October 30th, 2010 at the Lancaster, PA Theater is the show JOSEPH
Of all the characters in the Bible, perhaps Joseph is the best parallel to the character of Jesus that can be found. During a time of an “eye-for-an-eye and a tooth-for-a-tooth” mentality, Joseph’s story of forgiveness and integrity has made this Bible story a timeless truth, inspiring generations of men and women to walk uprightly in the midst of great temptation.
Sight & Sound’s depiction of this classic story will magnify the many qualities that make this story appeal to all ages. Experience a cast of 45 professional adult and children actors, dozens of live animals gracing the aisles, several amazing dream sequences including Joseph in his colorful coat “flying” over the audience, larger-than-life staging which includes a spectacular Egyptian palace scene spanning 300 feet and wrapping around three sides of the audience, plus, twenty original songs.

This $3 million production of "Joseph" features:
* a state-of-the-art fly rig that allows audiences to witness Joseph's dreams come to life as he soars 45-feetabove the audience
* flight sequences choreographed by Broadway aerial choreographer Paul Rubin (credits include Peter Panwith Cathy Rigby, Wicked, and Curtains with David Hyde Pierce)
* an epic soundtrack with 13 original songs by composer Don Harper (credits include National Treasure,National Treasure 2, Disney's Lion King 1 1/2)
* over 70 elaborate set pieces, including 30-foot-high Egyptian palaces, featured on a 300-foot stage thatwraps around three sides of the audience
* dozens of live and exotic animals
* a family-friendly script appropriate for all ages
* Sight & Sound's own interpretation of Joseph's colorful coat

Let me just start by saying that this show was absolutely amazing! Pulling up to this theater you would think it was a mansion fit for a king as it is beautifully constructed, and inside is no different. The columns, tiling, brightly colored tapestries and carpeting add to the velour and majesty of this building. Not only is the building stunning, but the show is as well. From the moment the lights dimmed the entertainment began. The stage is almost always filled with larger than life sets and scenery with live animals and talented actors and actresses. There is never a lack of things to take in, especially with the almost 180 degree stage, and full use of the aisles. Kids would be thrilled with this show, as the live animals (camels, horses, goats etc.) walk down the aisles past the audience. And if you are wondering if the adults will enjoy the show as much as the children, I think that adults would enjoy this show even more than the children, if that is possible. Adults understand the Bible story behind this show, and the emotions involved with the guilt for leaving your brother behind, and selling him as a slave. The emotion in this show is very powerful, and I was left with tear filled eyes on several occasions.

Joseph” runs from March 6 through October 30, 2010.
Tickets to “Joseph” may be purchased by visiting the website (http://www.sight-sound.com/) or by calling 800-377-1277

Whats in store for 2010 at these two theaters?

2010 promises to be an outstanding season, as the Millennium Theatre in PA will host the premiere of our all-new original production, Joseph. Then, the holiday season brings Miracle of Christmas to the Millennium stage. At theLiving Waters Theatre, the music-packed Psalms of David plays once more, followed by a farewell run of Voices of Christmas.

The 2010 schedule in Branson brings Noah - the Musical and Miracle of Christmas, as our epic productions continue to stir audiences in two locations.

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